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Churches in the Partnership

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Edge Project

The Edge’s Vision

Our vision is to share the good news with young people and give them the opportunity to encounter the Christian story and Jesus Christ thorough our detached youth work project.

We are constantly seeking new ways of bringing the Christian Gospel to young people, and challenge misconceptions of the Church, and give young people the opportunity to develop a fresh expression of Church which will be led by young people, for young people.

How are we doing this?

We have developed and established a detached youth work project called the ‘Edge project’ within the Mission Partnership. This has enabled us to engage with the young people on their turf, develop positive relationships, build on self-confidence, aspirations and goals and to provide opportunities for our local young people.

The mission partnership is about Churches, and indeed people, of all walks of life coming together across traditional boundaries, sharing gifts, resources and ministries in the service of God’s mission. We have a core group of young people who have been at the heart of the project from the word go; together we have been exploring and praying about which direction God wants the Edge youth project to develop, exploring various forms of both personal and corporate worship and different Christian traditions.

Recent Activities

 Networking with various agencies
 Engaging in detached youth work in the Saff and Aylestone
 Worked alongside other youth service providers
 Have a regular group of young people who we meet to play football with weekly
 Helped with the YMCA youth consultation event
 Funding applications!!!!
 Met with different organisations about how they can help the project move forward
 Begun working with volunteers

The ‘God Slot’

For those who wish to be able to support this project in practical ways we would really love it if you could include the following in your regular prayers....

 Continued support by other service providers
 Discernment as to which areas God wishes to see this project develop
 Opportunities to engage with local young people
 The football project – Thanks to those who supported this project in prayer over the last few months.....now we just need to get the project ‘kicked off’

Thanks.........to the Girls for all their hard work in securing such a big funding stream for the project!!

Ali Simpson
Detached Youth Worker for The Edge Project

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