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Churches in the Partnership

Friday, 9 January 2009


SEMP have arranged for the Director of Ministry and Mission , Mike Harrison to lead an evening at Knighton Parish Centre (7.45pm 5th March 2008) on vocation. This will be an exciting evening to explore all types of vocation to serve God. Please advertise this event widely around your parish and encourage people to come along and listen and pray about what God is saying to each and every one of us. Thanks to Chris Allen and Fiona Wingate for hosting the event at which refreshment will be available. If you have any questions please contact me.

Many thanks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Following an exciting evening session based on God’s Calling on your life I decided to write a blog to let you all know what you missed out on...

The event, which was led by Mike Harrison, was held at St. Mary’s Parish Hall and explored various Biblical aspects of calling, and how we can be sure that it is infact God that is leading us and not a subconscious choosing of our own. (Something that I’m sure we all grapple with!!)

Questions that all too often get asked are;
God, what is my purpose in life?
Where am I heading?
How do I know it’s you?
What are my gifts?

Well, part of the answer to these questions is just learning to listen to God, and accept that you won’t always get struck by a bolt of lightening as response to a prayer (though I’m sure we’d all agree that this would be much easier!!!) and that God speaks to us and calls us all in different ways, to serve and be different parts of the Body of Christ.

So if you feel God is calling to you, whether it’s God leading you, or affirmation through friends and prayers, get in tough with Alistair Helm at the Church of the Nativity, who will be able to tell you when the next Vocations session will beheld, and then you will be able to begin discerning your rightful place within God’s community!!

Ali Simpson,
Detached Youth Worker for the EDGE