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Churches in the Partnership

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

After School Club

We will be starting the after school club on Friday 22nd January 2010. It will be a FUN filled after school club run by the Church of the Nativity on Cavendish Road, Aylestone Park. The session will cost 50p, which includes crafts, games, bible stories and refreshments.

Do come and join us for fun and friendship on Fridays. The club will be run by Ivan Bennett, who has 28 years of experience of working with young people, and an experienced group of volunteers. Registration forms will need to be completed by a parent or carer.

For more details: contact Ivan on 07905562841 or by email at: thebennetts@ntlworld.com

Friday, 30 October 2009

The Christmas Queen

A Christmas musical entertainment for all the family!

After an excellent production in 2007 of The Mystery of Simon Shepherd, Jacqui Haines has decided to put on another - 'The Christmas Queen'.

Journey with the Queen, Dorcas to Bethlehem as she goes in search of the new born King of kings. Along the way, Dorcas is joined by Deborah the Angel who helps her on her quest. During their journey, they meet some people in need and Dorcas misses the birth of Jesus, but she learns some important biblical truths as well.

Tickets available from Patricia Ewen - telephone 0116 2994732 or email - patricia.ewen@ntlworld.com

Advent Wreath Festival and Christmas Fair

Our second Advent Wreath Weekend was held on the 29/30 November 2008 and once again proved to be a very happy and successful occasion. The church was decorated with imaginative wreaths from local businesses, Knighton Fields Primary School and church groups with the schoolrooms and Cup of Cheer Café hosting the Annual Christmas Fair.

Our Advent celebrations were enhanced by the production of some truly beautiful Advent Candle and Angel Hangings, the red, gold and green colours of which have been matched by the flower arrangements throughout the whole period of Advent to Epiphany.

Once again this weekend turned out to be a successful community initiative which brought together all of the individual talents possessed by members within the church. Please join us for what we hope will be another successful event this year.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Parish Praise

Parish Praise is coming soon!

The venue: St. Guthlac’s The Date: Sunday 1st November The time: 6.30 pm The Theme: All Saints’ Day. Come along and celebrate – there will be lots of great music and all ages are taking part. Discover what this little known festival is all about and be guaranteed no tricks but lots of treats!
Suitable for all ages.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

After School Club

Cavendish Road Leicester
A Church of England/Methodist Partnership


We are a church seeking to develop our work with children who live in the area of Aylestone Park.

We really want to appoint a person to lead an After School Club (7-11 years) which will meet on a weekly basis during school term time. The aim of the Club is to give the children the opportunity to explore the Christian option for their life.

We are a friendly Church of England/Methodist partnership passionate about serving our community and we hope to reach out to young people.

Whilst we have a number of willing volunteers, who will offer wonderful support, we feel we need a person who can offer dedicated time and professional input which our children will need to develop our outreach programme. Are you that person?

The leader will take responsibility for the planning, organisation and overall running of the programme for the Nativity After School Club. The post holder will also be responsible for the co-ordination of the volunteer support team.

We hope to start this project in January 2010. This is a part time post paid as an honorarium of £12.50 per hour for 3 hours per week. This includes travel and preparation time.

If you’re interested please contact Patricia Ewen Church Secretary for more details on 0116 299 4732 or patricia.ewen@ntlworld.com

Closing date for applications: Friday 30 October 2009
Interview Date: Wednesday 11 November 2009

The post is subject to enhanced disclosure from the CRB

Monday, 7 September 2009

Coffee Morning

822 people in the UK are told they have cancer. This is news that not only turns their world upside down but also affects their family and friends.

Macmillan's ambition is to help every one of these people by providing the medical, emotional, practical and financial support they need. That's why they need your help more than ever.

By taking part in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning, you will help fund more of their vital services and change the lives of people affected by cancer.

Raise your cup and make a difference.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Edge Project

The Edge’s Vision

Our vision is to share the good news with young people and give them the opportunity to encounter the Christian story and Jesus Christ thorough our detached youth work project.

We are constantly seeking new ways of bringing the Christian Gospel to young people, and challenge misconceptions of the Church, and give young people the opportunity to develop a fresh expression of Church which will be led by young people, for young people.

How are we doing this?

We have developed and established a detached youth work project called the ‘Edge project’ within the Mission Partnership. This has enabled us to engage with the young people on their turf, develop positive relationships, build on self-confidence, aspirations and goals and to provide opportunities for our local young people.

The mission partnership is about Churches, and indeed people, of all walks of life coming together across traditional boundaries, sharing gifts, resources and ministries in the service of God’s mission. We have a core group of young people who have been at the heart of the project from the word go; together we have been exploring and praying about which direction God wants the Edge youth project to develop, exploring various forms of both personal and corporate worship and different Christian traditions.

Recent Activities

 Networking with various agencies
 Engaging in detached youth work in the Saff and Aylestone
 Worked alongside other youth service providers
 Have a regular group of young people who we meet to play football with weekly
 Helped with the YMCA youth consultation event
 Funding applications!!!!
 Met with different organisations about how they can help the project move forward
 Begun working with volunteers

The ‘God Slot’

For those who wish to be able to support this project in practical ways we would really love it if you could include the following in your regular prayers....

 Continued support by other service providers
 Discernment as to which areas God wishes to see this project develop
 Opportunities to engage with local young people
 The football project – Thanks to those who supported this project in prayer over the last few months.....now we just need to get the project ‘kicked off’

Thanks.........to the Girls for all their hard work in securing such a big funding stream for the project!!

Ali Simpson
Detached Youth Worker for The Edge Project

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Parish Praise

Parish Praise 21st June 6.30 pm -
A Celebration of Our Fathers on FathersDay -
Through words and music followed by tea & biscuits. A warm welcome assured to everyone.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Anniversary Walk

This walk to celebrate the anniversary of the formation of The Southern Edge Mission Partnership followed a route that took in all of the churches of the partnership. It was a splendid event which consisted of walking, praying and lots of eating! Members of the various congregations (and dogs!) joined us at different points along the route and at each church we visited we received a warm welcome and very often food!
The journey took us through us housing estates, alongside factories and we also enjoyed the beauty of a canal side walk. People were able to talk together and visit churches they had never ventured into before. This was truly an act of Mission with passers-by asking what we were up to! Special mention must be made of Nancy (our fund raising Guru) who completed the whole route in her wheel chair.

Alistair Helm the Partnership Convenor says: ‘we’re always careful to ask how our activities contribute to our mission aim. This activity clearly did. It was a walk of contrast; not only in the places we passed, but in the buildings we visited. Our walk started with worship at Saint Christophers and finished with a wonderful service of evening prayer at Saint James the Greater under the watchful eye of the Patron Saint of travellers. I think this is an event that should be repeated, but I’m moving on, so that is for someone else to decide!’

Friday, 8 May 2009

Treasure Hunt

A Treasure Hunt has been arranged for Monday 22nd June meeting at the Car Park on Countesthorpe Road South Wigston starting at 6.00pm. Groups will be departing at intervals between 6-6.30 pm.

The Treasure Hunt will take place around South Wigston and it is just over a mile in distance unless you get lost!

The evening will finish with a cold buffet afterwards at the Horse & Trumpet at Wigston, the same venue as last year. However on this occasion the Function Room at the back has been booked, which is also the Skittles Alley. Consequently, should the Treasure Hunt have to be abandoned because it is too wet skittles can be played instead!

Cost £5 per person plus 50p for each quiz sheet.

For further details and enquiries contact Robert Pike:
Tel:0116 2783357

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Christian Aid

Saturday, May 9th 2009, also marks the first anniversary of the launch of The Southern Edge Mission Partnership. The Anniversary Walk which takes in all our church buildings aims to strengthen our unity but more importantly offers an opportunity for mission. Why not invite some friends along, it’s a good way to talk along the route and give the dog some exercise! You can do as much or as little of the walk as you choose but do please join us. It’s also an opportunity to open your church for the day and invite in the community to have a look around and give them an opportunity for space and prayer.Whatever your involvement, do please pray for the work of the SEMP and all our churches. For itinerary see calendar below.
As part of the Anniversary Stroll there will be a stop at St John's at around 15:15. Please join them for a cup of tea to support Christian Aid. They will be ready with the kettle boiled :o)

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Birthday Bonanza

The Nativity Players have increased in number by two this year; one will make his debut in the June production of ‘Birthday Bonanza’ which celebrates ten years since the first production by this group.

Tickets and further details available from Patricia Ewen:

Tel 0116 2994732

Email: patricia.ewen@ntlworld.com

Spring Fair

Monday, 13 April 2009

Transforming the Earth and Us

Dear friends,

We are fortunate to be hosting a unique conference in Leicester - Transforming the Earth and Us: How the Religions Can Help - a conference for all religions/beliefs at the St Philip's Centre in Evington, led by Martin Palmer Director of the Alliance of Religions an Conservation.

Topics covered include:

The science of climate change
The role of faith communities
Youth Projects led by Maureen Siers, the Scottish Govt. Interfaith Development Officer
Transition Leicester
The Earth Charter and Global Ethics
World Development and the Environment

Non-residential rate £45. Bookings to Elizabeth Rudge 0116 273 5313 or admin@stphilipsleicester.co.uk

John Moore

Friday, 20 March 2009

Cathedral Square Project

The Southern Edge Mission Partnership is looking forward to welcoming The Reverend Peter Hobson to its meeting on 30th April. Peter is the director of the Cathedral Square project and we will be joined on the evening by members of the City Deanery.

Alistair Helm the Mission Partnership Convenor says;

‘This is a really exciting project at the heart of our City and on the Southern Edge we are looking forward to finding out how we can support the mission and outreach opportunities it will bring.’

The Southern Edge business will be concluded by 8.15pm, the Cathedral Square talk will start at 8.15pm.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Barn Dance

SEMP Barn Dance - Saturday 14th February

Over 60 people from several different churches in the Southern Edge Mission Partnership met at the Samworth Academy for a Valentine’s Day barn dance. The live band provided on-going instructions for a great many dances, many of which even seasoned barn dancers were unfamiliar with. There were the usual mix-ups and tangles as people forgot instructions, turned the wrong way, swung the wrong partner or just got confused between right and left. It all added to the fun as we breathlessly ‘stripped the willow’ and lifted ladies off the ground in a ‘basket’.

There were plenty of soft drinks to quench our thirst and plenty to eat at the ‘bring and share’ supper. Brief respites between dances allowed us to get our breath back but most people were soon up and dancing to the strains of 2 accordions and a tambourine. The caller was patient but persistent in getting as many as possible on the floor and most of us certainly got plenty of exercise during the evening.

It was great fun and a good opportunity to meet with people from our mission partnership churches. Many thanks go to all who helped to organize the event.

Kate Helm

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Parish Praise

Parish Praise Service on 8th March 4.00 pm at St Mary’s Church, Brinsmead Road, Knighton. The theme is God Given Gifts in relation to Stewardship.
The worship will be through lively music and dramatic readings. The service is laity led by members of St Mary’s and St Guthlac’s and all visitors would be made very welcome.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Marriage Preparation Course

Wednesday 18 & 25 March - Marriage Preparation Course at St Andrews Church Aylestone at 7.30pm

Monday, 19 January 2009

Anniversary Stroll

Saturday, May 9th 2009, marks the first anniversary of the launch of The Southern Edge Mission Partnership. This walk which takes in all or church buildings aims to strengthen our unity but more importantly offers an opportunity for mission. Why not invite some friends along, it’s a good way to talk along the route and give the dog some exercise! You can do as much or as little of the walk as you choose but do please join us. It’s also an opportunity to open your church for the day and invite in the community to have a look around and give them an opportunity for space and prayer.

Whatever your involvement, do please pray for the work of the SEMP and all our churches. For itinerary see calendar below.

Friday, 9 January 2009


SEMP have arranged for the Director of Ministry and Mission , Mike Harrison to lead an evening at Knighton Parish Centre (7.45pm 5th March 2008) on vocation. This will be an exciting evening to explore all types of vocation to serve God. Please advertise this event widely around your parish and encourage people to come along and listen and pray about what God is saying to each and every one of us. Thanks to Chris Allen and Fiona Wingate for hosting the event at which refreshment will be available. If you have any questions please contact me.

Many thanks.
