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Churches in the Partnership

Monday, 19 January 2009

Anniversary Stroll

Saturday, May 9th 2009, marks the first anniversary of the launch of The Southern Edge Mission Partnership. This walk which takes in all or church buildings aims to strengthen our unity but more importantly offers an opportunity for mission. Why not invite some friends along, it’s a good way to talk along the route and give the dog some exercise! You can do as much or as little of the walk as you choose but do please join us. It’s also an opportunity to open your church for the day and invite in the community to have a look around and give them an opportunity for space and prayer.

Whatever your involvement, do please pray for the work of the SEMP and all our churches. For itinerary see calendar below.

Friday, 9 January 2009


SEMP have arranged for the Director of Ministry and Mission , Mike Harrison to lead an evening at Knighton Parish Centre (7.45pm 5th March 2008) on vocation. This will be an exciting evening to explore all types of vocation to serve God. Please advertise this event widely around your parish and encourage people to come along and listen and pray about what God is saying to each and every one of us. Thanks to Chris Allen and Fiona Wingate for hosting the event at which refreshment will be available. If you have any questions please contact me.

Many thanks.
